Perfection is fleeting, so we need to see the beauty in the imperfect – that’s how the Japanese live with their philosophy of wabi-sabi, according to which all things are charming, even those with flaws. But it hasn’t been possible to carry this idea over to people, because in the land of the rising sun, it’s still business as usual: pressure, perfectionism, success …

The circumstances may have been difficult, but chefs and restaurant owners brought us so much joy while we were in lockdown. With fantastic recipes on Instagram, deliveries of our favourite foods and surprise food parcels for doctors at the hospital, they provided immense culinary comfort when we needed it most – the ultimate example of “sharing is caring” …

Casa Ojalá was developed as a product for boutique and luxury hotels seeking a unique solution for the travel experience. Quick assembly and virtually nonexistent footprint allow for easy expansion of an existing property or novel configurations on land of any type: vineyards or mountains, woods or seaside. Its high degree of flexibility makes it ideal for locations far flung: from Argentina to Indonesia, Namibia to Italy. Casa Ojalá is also being made available to private customers on an application basis …