VIVA FRIDA KAHLO VIVA FRIDA KAHLO - IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCE Deutschland Premiere 15.12.2022 – München «Viva Frida Kahlo» ist die erste immersive Inszenierung der weltberühmten Werke der legendären mexikanischen Künstlerin und Ikone Frida Kahlo. Ein wahrhaftes sinnliches Erlebnis, eine Explosion voller Farben und purer Lebenskraft! Das 360-Grad-Erlebnis entführt die Besucher:innen nach Mexiko in die «Casa Azul» in Coyoacán, wo die junge Frida Kahlo, nach einem schweren Unfall an ihr Bett gefesselt, beginnt zu malen. „Ich bin nicht krank, ich bin zerbrochen. Aber solange ich malen kann, bin ich froh, dass ich am Leben bin.“ (Frida Kahlo) «Viva Frida Kahlo» ist ein Erlebnis für alle und jeden: die Besucher:innen werden in Frida Kahlos Welt förmlich hineingezogen. Sie erleben die 1920-er bis 40-er Jahre und tauchen ein in die farbenfrohen Gemälde und Selbstbildnisse als Zeugnis eines Lebens voller Anmut, Schmerzen und ungebrochenem Lebenswillen. Dabei bewegen sich die Besucher:innen der Ausstellung frei im Raum, aufwändige Rundumprojektionen erzeugen exotische Farbwelten voller Emotionen und lassen Frida Kahlos Werke auf nie zuvor gesehene Weise erfahren. Mit Hochleistungsprojektoren werden Kahlos Bilder, die im Original fast winzig erscheinen, zum Leben erweckt und auf bis zu 34 Meter lange und 10 Meter hohe Wände sowie auf den Boden der Ausstellungshalle projiziert. Für ein Rundumerlebnis der Sinne, führt eine Sprecherin in der Rolle der Künstlerin mit Originalzitaten durch die erlebbare Gefühlswelt der schon damals emanzipierten Malerin. Ein eigens komponierter Soundtrack untermalt die immersive Inszenierung dabei akustisch. Somit wird ein immersives Gesamterlebnis für die Besucher:innen erzeugt, das dem heutigen Zeitgeist entsprechend Transformation, Neuinterpretation und Lichtkunst verbindet. Ein Ereignis nicht nur für Frida Kahlo Fans, sondern für alle, die Kunst in dieser neuen multimedialen Form erleben, mit ihr interagieren und sich aus dem Alltag en

After the sensational success of “MONETS GARTEN”, the immersive art experience “VIVA FRIDA KAHLO” will come to Vienna’s Marx Halle from 27.04.2023. The Mexican icon’s hit show celebrated its world premiere in Zurich in 2021, is currently making a guest appearance in Munich and has become a real crowd puller.

“Viva Frida Kahlo” is the immersive staging of the world-famous works of the legendary Mexican artist and icon. Mexican artist and icon Frida Kahlo. A truly sensual experience, an explosion of colour and pure vitality! The 360-degree experience takes visitors visitors to the “Casa Azul” in Coyoacán, Mexico, where the young Frida Kahlo, confined to her bed after a serious accident, begins to paint.

“I am not ill, I am broken. But as long as I can paint, I am happy to be alive.”

Frida Kahlo

“Viva Frida Kahlo” is an experience for all and sundry. Visitors are literally drawn into Frida Kahlo’s world. They experience the 1920s to 40s and immerse themselves in the colourful paintings and self-portraits as testimony to a life full of grace, pain and an unbroken will to live. Visitors to the exhibition move freely through the space, while elaborate all-round projections create exotic colour worlds full of emotion and allow them to experience Frida Kahlo’s works in a way never seen before.

With high-performance projectors, Kahlo’s pictures, which appear almost tiny in the original, are brought to life and projected onto walls up to 24 metres long and 5.5 metres high, as well as onto the floor of the exhibition hall. For an all-round sensory experience, a narrator in the role of the artist guides visitors through the emotional world of the emancipated painter with original quotations. A specially composed soundtrack acoustically underpins the immersive production.

This creates an immersive overall experience for the visitors that combines transformation, reinterpretation and light art in keeping with today’s zeitgeist. An event not only for Frida Kahlo fans, but for everyone who wants to experience art in this new multimedia form, interact with it and let themselves be carried away from everyday life. “Viva Frida Kahlo – Immersive Experience” is a true Mexican colour explosion of the great Frida Kahlo and her impressive life.


Frida Kahlo is by far the most famous painter in Mexico, if not in Latin America. The haunting small-format paintings articulate Frida Kahlo’s physical and emotional suffering, her grief and her tragedy. Her self-portraits were the most honest and truthful expression of what she felt, she wrote in 1939.

“They thought I was a surrealist, but I was not. I never painted dreams. I painted my own reality.”

Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo’s artistic source of inspiration, besides herself, is Mexican folklore with its inexhaustible world of colours as well as the elements of nature. Frida Kahlo thus creates herself as an icon – the traditional Mexican Tehuana costume becomes her trademark and Frida Kahlo herself becomes the symbol of her time.


Because of her political views, her fight for women, indigenous people and the underprivileged, her tenacity and her irrepressible will not to be defeated by any adversity in a society marked by machismo, Frida Kahlo has been considered a figurehead of the Mexican women’s movement in the USA since the 1980s.

Frida Kahlo has been celebrated in the USA since the 1980s as a figurehead of the Mexican women’s movement. The Hollywood film of her life in 2002, starring Salma Hayek, also contributed to her posthumous worldwide popularity.


Frida Kahlo’s paintings fetch high prices; the painting “Raices” (Roots) was auctioned for $5.5 million in 2006. There are rumours that the anonymous buyer was the pop icon Madonna, who already owned two other works by Kahlo. However, those paintings that are still in Frida Kahlo’s home country are not allowed to leave Mexico, according to a decree of her heir Diego Rivera.

Immersive Experience
Date 27.04.2022 – 16.07.2023
Karl-Farkas-Gasse 19, 1030 Vienna