During the first lockdown in Austria, Graz-based fashion designer Bettina Reichl stumbled upon a very special project – in the form of a sheep: Project Weidekleid. Here’s how an acquaintance with an animal was turned into incredibly sophisticated fashion pieces that changed people’s relationships and thoughts during the manufacturing process.

Sigmund Freud saw dreams as puzzling enactments of our subconscious that allow our repressed wishes, anxieties and passions to be brought to life. He also recognised in them all the characteristics of fully fledged psychosis, including mania and hallucinations. Nevertheless, he was convinced that dreams have meaning and considered them to be the “royal road to the unconscious” …

The materialization of colors is the origin of every work by Anna Virnich. On display are fine fabrics made of mustard-yellow crepe, silky taffeta in lavender shades and rectangles of wrinkled, coarse-pored nettle. In its radiance, a royal blue attracts all the attention of the moment, salmon-colored silk slides between crepe de chine and ultramarine …