What is the right way to live? Everyone wants to be a King – balanced, calm and relaxed. But is that possible? The world is full of mice that gnaw at roots and toads that block the water to fountains. Our society is based on performance, so anyone that doesn’t work has no value. On top of that, there’s the irritating temptation of the world of commodities. But you don’t have to own everything in order to be considered successful or happy. If a fairy godmother were to appear and offer to grant three wishes, very few people would be able to decide which ones. Then there’s the constant angst-inducing news reports: coronavirus, war, climate change. Life is not easy. How much energy is expended just to find the best energy provider alone?

In the pandemic era, concepts like “security” and “control” have become a thing of the past. They’re feelings that the lucky among us are still able to remember, but which we’re only able to experience to a limited extent. The first lockdown saw them evolve into a massive cloud of longing that hung somewhere overhead. Did they disappear into the world of transcendence? Is it because of this that our need for spirituality in our lives has grown?

The past year has been very challenging for everyone across the world. We have been thrown into new living arrangements and are still dealing with the upheaval the pandemic has inflicted on us. While being isolated during the lockdowns, LA-based artist Lucky Tennyson asked people to give him an insight into their thoughts while he photographed them through their windows – and in doing so, he found out what people are really longing for …