A surfer’s perfect wave is a culmination of a host of untameable factors – tide, swell, weather and timing. In Surf Porn, it is not only those ingredients that are crucial, but also the right light. Brought together by
Gaspard Konrad, who curates under the moniker Surf Porn, this collection of photography from some of the
craft’s most famous photographers invites the readers to embark on a fascinating journey through the world of surfing, and creates a deep longing for the next perfect and unridden wave.

Located in the heart of Salzburg and in close proximity to the ‘Großes Festspielhaus’, the St. Peter Stiftskulinarium will be the #placetobe during the Festival Summer from July 18 to August 31, 2022. The restaurant lines ACHTHUNDERT&DREI and PETER attract numerous international guests and VIPs, who find here the appropriate culinary setting before or after the performance. Just in time for the festival summer, the 11 premises show themselves in new splendor.