Located in the heart of Salzburg and in close proximity to the ‘Großes Festspielhaus’, the St. Peter Stiftskulinarium will be the #placetobe during the Festival Summer from July 18 to August 31, 2022. The restaurant lines ACHTHUNDERT&DREI and PETER attract numerous international guests and VIPs, who find here the appropriate culinary setting before or after the performance. Just in time for the festival summer, the 11 premises show themselves in new splendor.

Although the sun held back nobly, the premiere of “KATTUS Organic Buschenschank am Nussberg by Feuerwehr-Wagner” at the end of May was a complete success and attracted Viennese gourmets as well as international guests who enjoyed the charming ambience with a unique view over the federal capital together. On 30 July 2022, from 11 a.m., the relaxed culinary event in the vineyard, which appeals to all the senses, continues at the Nussberg.

Situated deep in the Swedish forests, close to a tiny winter sport area, a small traditional wooden retreat sits on top of a ridge formed millions of years ago. Besides the pine forest covering the fault, the surrounding landscape is a low undulating region of heaths and ridges that rise above gently sloping sandy beaches and small beach towns. Now completely remodeled, the space feels entirely intertwined with nature – both in terms of materiality and outlook …

And it’s this art of enjoyment that you’ll find at the Nesslerhof – in the sauna, the rooms, the spa and the restaurant. The team at the Nesslerhof has made it their aim to turn a necessity into a pleasure, be it the necessity for relaxation, nature or nourishment for the body and soul.