The Geba rug gallery has its roots in the ancient tradition of hand weaving. The gallery has been located in the old town of Graz since 1987 and is an internationally renowned symbol of quality and skill when it comes to rug design. Harald Geba was a trailblazer in Austria, revolutionising the classic oriental rug and in doing so, casting aside old-fashioned ideas by combining modern designs with traditional craftsmanship…

Nestled between the cascading mountains of the Sierra Madres and Mexico’s glittering Pacific, lies a new beachfront destination spanning 165 acres of Arcadian jungle and one mile stretch of pristine, untouched coastline. MUSA is for those who live in pursuit of their dreams, by those who dare to dream it. It’s more than a community; it’s an ever-evolving collaboration between cultures, disciplines and art forms that inspire better ways of living.

PLAY NOW – 16 APRIL: Andaz Amsterdam Prinsengracht was formerly the Public Library and is now one of the most creative five star luxury-lifestyle hotels in the city. A stay at Andaz Amsterdam is a dream for every design lover looking for an unforgettable local experience. Win an exclusive 3-night stay in a Canal View Room with breakfast included …