Sure, we can wash our body and hair. But what do we do with all the toxic substances inside us? They can’t simply be removed with soap and shampoo. With BodyClearance®, the Ayus Group offers a treatment program that tackles this problem using the innovative INUSpheresis® therapy. How does it work, who is it aimed at and what does the word Ayus mean? We spoke to co-founder Lars Honegger.

By the time the shouts of Jedermann echo through the streets of Salzburg, it is clear that the festival summer has begun. While the Ouverture Spirituelle provides the classical prelude, Don Giovanni seduces his Zerlina and Herbert Blomstedt, almost 100 years old, is ready to conduct the Philharmonic Orchestra, the city itself once again becomes a stage. Here people stroll, discuss, shop and laugh… The Hotel Stein has always been one of the venues.

The BEAUTY EMBASSY uses innovative high-performance equipment, the latest beauty methods from all over the world, as well as specialised expert:inside knowledge for glowy skin that shines like the sun. Depending on individual requirements, the extensive range of treatments guarantees relaxation and a perfectly coordinated holiday feeling for every skin type…