The Beauty of Diversity moves in the field of tension between an established understanding of art and its renewal. The exhibition unfolds its persuasive power in the juxtaposition of renowned artists who have always wanted to strain the canon and yet have become canonised, and new discoveries as well as those who irritate viewing habits, swim against the tide, shake the foundations of high culture, break the norm and thus establish the aesthetics of diversity.

October 2023 – Cambodia’s former royal residence Amansara, which once housed King Sihanouk’s diplomats and aristocrats, will reopen on October 1, 2023 after a royal renovation. Not only will there be new culinary experiences and events to mark the occasion, but thanks to a new direct flight from Vietnam Airlines, it’s now even easier to connect Amansara in the Laotian city of Luang Prabang with the legendary Angkor Wat. In the new season, Amantaka will also welcome guests with unique cultural festivals and wellness events – one more reason to embark on an Indochina odyssey this year.

From the roots of a majestic Amazonian tree to the cells inside our bodies and the galaxies above, everything is connected. London-based experimental art collective Marshmallow Laser Feast (MLF) will illuminate these hidden connections beyond our everyday perception, in a world premiere exhibition at ACMI this summer, from 23 November 2023 – 14 April 2024.