The own vegan cosmetic line at the Gradonna Mountain Resort contains the best of the herbs of the Hohe Tauern National Park, pure mountain spring water with a balanced proportion of minerals specially for the needs of modern skin. The healing properties of alpine herbs strengthen your well-being and beauty. The medicinal plants come from Tyrol and are processed here according to the Gradonna principles of regionality and sustainability…

Even as a child, she was welcomed by the guests at her parents’ establishment with a glass of schnapps in their hands. As a born and bred “Puschterin” [someone from Pustertal] and with experience in hospitality, Gudrun Huber now runs the Hofergut in her South Tyrolean homeland. With a great deal of passion and enthusiasm, she looks after both her guests and the almost 1,000-year-old property. She’s like the Fairy Godmother of the building. We asked her about where the walls express their historic charm, which collector’s items are hidden here and what she takes out of the smokehouse at night, plus much more.

The Crystal VAYA Unique hotel is a unique gem at an altitude of 2,000 metres in the Tyrolean Ötztal. Two building complexes are connected here by a glass bridge, the radiance of which is multiplied by the sunlight. However, the true splendour of the hotel unfolds in its interior, where minimalist Alpine chic prevails. And of course, a little glitter is also a must.

The circle closes at OLM, the round Eco Aparthotel in the South Tyrolean Taufer Valley. It all began with a millstone – now guests can expect a refined “Olm” character in harmony with nature. Harmonious architecture, a forward-looking catering concept and a hotel that is energy self-sufficient and certified for its sustainability characterise the OLM. Everything runs smoothly here:

Wer das Lied aus den 1950ern kennt, der weiß schon, wie es an dieser Stelle weitergeht. Besungen wird hier ein ganz besonderer Duft. Welcher genau das ist, wird nicht geklärt – nur, dass er verlockend ruft. Möglicherweise liegt ja der beruhigende Lavendel der Bergwiese in der Nase. Oder ist es der kraftvolle Geruch nach Zirbenholz aus dem Stüberl? Vielleicht geht es um den Duft nach süßem Kaiserschmarren aus dem Wirtshaus am Berg? Wäre das Lied im Patznauntal entstanden, so könnte all das gut möglich sein. Im Boutique-Hotel Bergwiesenglück duftet es nämlich außen wie innen, und zwar nicht nur nach frischer Luft! Augen zu und Nase auf: