An oasis of tranquility in the bustling heart of the metropolis. A place of contemplation and retreat, serving as a counterpoint to the bustling activities of the urban surroundings. The historically preserved ensemble, consisting of a former courthouse and a women’s prison, has been redesigned, expanded, and repurposed by the architects Grüntuch Ernst. It now houses the Hotel Wilmina, the Lovis Restaurant, and an art and cultural space called Amtsalon.

Seit über 100 Jahren ziehen die Mythen rund um Pharao Tutanchamun die Menschen weltweit in ihren Bann. Ab dem 19.10.2023 zeigt TUTANCHAMUN – DAS IMMERSIVE AUSSTELLUNGSERLEBNIS ein neues, digitales Multimedia-Highlight in der Marx Halle und entführt die BesucherInnen in das sagenumwobene alte Ägypten und dessen Geheimnisse. Nahezu Hand in Hand mit dem Kindkönig Tutanchamun – der Ikone des alten Ägyptens – tauchen die BesucherInnen ein in eine Welt voller gottgleicher Herrscher, Weltwunder der Architektur, Grabkammern voller Gold und in einen geheimnisvollen Totenkult. 

Perched high above Lake Garda, on the hill of Albisano, is Villa Maya, the new project from the heart of MEISSL-Architects. For a long time now, the village of Albisano has been known for its charming flair, its enchanting narrow streets and its spectacular views, but it is only since spring 2023 that it has also been allowed to call itself home to a bright, elegant apartment building.