October 2023 – As Morocco warmly welcomes the return of travelers from around the world, the luxury Amanjena Hotel also welcomes guests to its unique palatial resort just outside the UNESCO World Heritage city of Marrakech. Amanjena means “peaceful paradise”-it is situated in a particularly quiet and peaceful location. Surrounded by palm trees and olive groves, guests can experience the unique hospitality and special charm of Morocco and enjoy the hotel’s latest offerings near the famous “Red City”:

Ken Mogi knows what makes people happy. Following his world best-selling book The Little Book of Ikigai, the Tokyo-based author has now written another entitled The Way of Nagomi about the Japanese path to harmony and zest for life. During our interview, the rock star among neuroscientists revealed why now’s the time to move over to the Far East lifestyle, how we could ensure greater well-being in everyday life and what he himself gains from balance…