Even as a child, she was welcomed by the guests at her parents’ establishment with a glass of schnapps in their hands. As a born and bred “Puschterin” [someone from Pustertal] and with experience in hospitality, Gudrun Huber now runs the Hofergut in her South Tyrolean homeland. With a great deal of passion and enthusiasm, she looks after both her guests and the almost 1,000-year-old property. She’s like the Fairy Godmother of the building. We asked her about where the walls express their historic charm, which collector’s items are hidden here and what she takes out of the smokehouse at night, plus much more.

Trainers have long been more than just comfortable sports shoes – they are a lifestyle statement and an indispensable accessory in the world of sport and fashion. Choosing the right shoes can not only enhance an outfit, but also increase walking comfort. Ideally, they offer the perfect combination of cool Style and sporty functionality – like the following trainers from Under Armour.

The OLM Nature Escape is definitely a building with a recognisable character. How did it come about to plan a round building, what challenges are associated with the 360° angle and why is the shape also a symbol of sustainability? We spoke to architect Andreas Gruber about his first hospitality project, which has been thoroughly thought through!