A 10-Minute Meditation for Stress from Headspace

Take ten minutes to focus your mind on the breath in this mini reframing stress meditation. Stress takes on many forms, especially when a day has felt particularly challenging. Nothing can change the circumstances, but this exercise teaches you how to notice what you’re holding onto and how to drop the preoccupying storyline, allowing you to reframe stressful situations.

Imagine walking into a room full of building blocks, vivid colours and joyful music. What do you feel? A sense of lightness, perhaps a small tingle of anticipation? Or do you just think: Right, where shall I start with all this?
Maybe just allow your imagination to run wild and use them to build a house? After all, playing isn’t just for children. Play is also a valuable resource in our adult lives, but it’s so easily forgotten among all the pressure and stress.

If you feel good, you can slow down. How do you succeed in feeling good? The Hotel Schwarzschmied has a lot to offer here, but one thing above all: a holistic wellness concept that is more than just the sum of yoga sessions and spa treatments. It is a feeling. The feeling of letting go, slowing down and finding yourself.

Wer das Lied aus den 1950ern kennt, der weiß schon, wie es an dieser Stelle weitergeht. Besungen wird hier ein ganz besonderer Duft. Welcher genau das ist, wird nicht geklärt – nur, dass er verlockend ruft. Möglicherweise liegt ja der beruhigende Lavendel der Bergwiese in der Nase. Oder ist es der kraftvolle Geruch nach Zirbenholz aus dem Stüberl? Vielleicht geht es um den Duft nach süßem Kaiserschmarren aus dem Wirtshaus am Berg? Wäre das Lied im Patznauntal entstanden, so könnte all das gut möglich sein. Im Boutique-Hotel Bergwiesenglück duftet es nämlich außen wie innen, und zwar nicht nur nach frischer Luft! Augen zu und Nase auf:

SHINE FROM THE INSIDE and LOVE WINS as loving reminders of the really important values in life. Embroidered by hand on fine satin made of 100% Giza cotton using elaborate needle painting. The traveler sets with pillow and sleep mask from EGE Textilmanufaktur and SOIS BLESSED are hidden in door number 19 – for anyone who likes to travel in style and wants to treat themselves to some relaxed, quiet luxury. Have fun taking part!