Even as a child, she was welcomed by the guests at her parents’ establishment with a glass of schnapps in their hands. As a born and bred “Puschterin” [someone from Pustertal] and with experience in hospitality, Gudrun Huber now runs the Hofergut in her South Tyrolean homeland. With a great deal of passion and enthusiasm, she looks after both her guests and the almost 1,000-year-old property. She’s like the Fairy Godmother of the building. We asked her about where the walls express their historic charm, which collector’s items are hidden here and what she takes out of the smokehouse at night, plus much more.

Imagine walking into a room full of building blocks, vivid colours and joyful music. What do you feel? A sense of lightness, perhaps a small tingle of anticipation? Or do you just think: Right, where shall I start with all this?
Maybe just allow your imagination to run wild and use them to build a house? After all, playing isn’t just for children. Play is also a valuable resource in our adult lives, but it’s so easily forgotten among all the pressure and stress.

The walk into the forest is taken literally here. Thanks to floor-to-ceiling windows, the Hotel des Horlogers not only offers numerous panoramic views of the surrounding sea of spruce trees, you will also come across sculptures made of branches and oversized truffles. The Horloger’s culinary table takes you a little deeper into the forest. Guests are even invited to take off their shoes to feel the moss and wood shavings on the ground with their bare feet.

By the time the shouts of Jedermann echo through the streets of Salzburg, it is clear that the festival summer has begun. While the Ouverture Spirituelle provides the classical prelude, Don Giovanni seduces his Zerlina and Herbert Blomstedt, almost 100 years old, is ready to conduct the Philharmonic Orchestra, the city itself once again becomes a stage. Here people stroll, discuss, shop and laugh… The Hotel Stein has always been one of the venues.

The Crystal VAYA Unique hotel is a unique gem at an altitude of 2,000 metres in the Tyrolean Ötztal. Two building complexes are connected here by a glass bridge, the radiance of which is multiplied by the sunlight. However, the true splendour of the hotel unfolds in its interior, where minimalist Alpine chic prevails. And of course, a little glitter is also a must.

A workplace where you can hear birds chirping and see spider monkeys is something special. The dishes that Chef Carlos Bordanave and Sous-Chef Sergio Sanchez serve their guests at the Flora restaurant in the Hotel Boca de Agua in Mexico are just as special as the natural working environment. In conversation with the two restaurateurs, they talk about ice cream with fruit from the garden that their guests never forget, refreshing cocktails with tequila and its high-proof competitor, and mouth-watering tacos.

If she had a hotel, you would be allowed to walk barefoot here. There would be no bling bling, but beautiful design and interesating art. There would also be boccia! You would eat pasta and enjoy the sophisticated slow-food cuisine. And drink vino! In her hotel, you could do whatever you wanted. How good that she really does have a hotel. She is Karoline Dilitz and she has just breathed new life into her Küglerhof in South Tyrol. Curious? We asked the host for an interview.

The OLM Nature Escape is definitely a building with a recognisable character. How did it come about to plan a round building, what challenges are associated with the 360° angle and why is the shape also a symbol of sustainability? We spoke to architect Andreas Gruber about his first hospitality project, which has been thoroughly thought through!