Seit über 100 Jahren ziehen die Mythen rund um Pharao Tutanchamun die Menschen weltweit in ihren Bann. Ab dem 19.10.2023 zeigt TUTANCHAMUN – DAS IMMERSIVE AUSSTELLUNGSERLEBNIS ein neues, digitales Multimedia-Highlight in der Marx Halle und entführt die BesucherInnen in das sagenumwobene alte Ägypten und dessen Geheimnisse. Nahezu Hand in Hand mit dem Kindkönig Tutanchamun – der Ikone des alten Ägyptens – tauchen die BesucherInnen ein in eine Welt voller gottgleicher Herrscher, Weltwunder der Architektur, Grabkammern voller Gold und in einen geheimnisvollen Totenkult. 

You come home in the evening exhausted from work, from the traffic, from stress. You need a holiday, relaxation, to unwind. What if there were a hotel, a home away from home, a retreat where you could feel at ease? A place where the fox and the hare wish you goodnight, where it’s calm and you can do what you like, but also don’t have to do anything at all? Such a place does exist: Refugium Lunz…

The word “nagomi” sounds mysterious and promising: is it the name of a Central African desert? Are the Nagomi an indigenous Amazonian tribe? Or is it the name of a newly opened celebrity restaurant in Kensington? None of these things are nagomi – or maybe somehow they are, as the three melodious syllables represent the Japanese art of achieving harmony and balance in life by incorporating opposites and conflict…