Sure, we can wash our body and hair. But what do we do with all the toxic substances inside us? They can’t simply be removed with soap and shampoo. With BodyClearance®, the Ayus Group offers a treatment program that tackles this problem using the innovative INUSpheresis® therapy. How does it work, who is it aimed at and what does the word Ayus mean? We spoke to co-founder Lars Honegger.

Eating, chatting, being together – it doesn’t take much for a successful meal. The houses of the Alto Group in South Tyrol show how it’s done. They are places that tell stories and create stories. Places with charm that are simply there without pushing themselves to the fore. Places where culinary delights are celebrated together. Buon appetito!

A workplace where you can hear birds chirping and see spider monkeys is something special. The dishes that Chef Carlos Bordanave and Sous-Chef Sergio Sanchez serve their guests at the Flora restaurant in the Hotel Boca de Agua in Mexico are just as special as the natural working environment. In conversation with the two restaurateurs, they talk about ice cream with fruit from the garden that their guests never forget, refreshing cocktails with tequila and its high-proof competitor, and mouth-watering tacos.

If she had a hotel, you would be allowed to walk barefoot here. There would be no bling bling, but beautiful design and interesating art. There would also be boccia! You would eat pasta and enjoy the sophisticated slow-food cuisine. And drink vino! In her hotel, you could do whatever you wanted. How good that she really does have a hotel. She is Karoline Dilitz and she has just breathed new life into her Küglerhof in South Tyrol. Curious? We asked the host for an interview.

Inspired by the magic of the moment, the One Life Group’s state-of-the-art location „Ziizuu“ is a hideaway for the mind and palate. Here you can enjoy a cosmopolitan fine dining experience in the centre of the city. Inspired by the metropolises of this world, with an out-of-the-box interior, atmospheric light installations, green plants, smooth DJ beats and Euro-Asian fusion cuisine, Ziizuu is the hip #placetobe for summer nights in Vienna’s city centre.

When visiting Damüls in the Austrian state of Vorarlberg, there are two Löffelspitze to distinguish between: one is a local mountain, the other is a fine dining restaurant at the Alpenstern Panoramahotel. It’s not just the striking backdrop that will take your breath away here, the cuisine is also out of this world. Three days a week, the restaurant serves up a tasting menu for a maximum of 12 people. Host Peter Bischof and head chef Sandro Abel source their ingredients from the region.

Wer das Lied aus den 1950ern kennt, der weiß schon, wie es an dieser Stelle weitergeht. Besungen wird hier ein ganz besonderer Duft. Welcher genau das ist, wird nicht geklärt – nur, dass er verlockend ruft. Möglicherweise liegt ja der beruhigende Lavendel der Bergwiese in der Nase. Oder ist es der kraftvolle Geruch nach Zirbenholz aus dem Stüberl? Vielleicht geht es um den Duft nach süßem Kaiserschmarren aus dem Wirtshaus am Berg? Wäre das Lied im Patznauntal entstanden, so könnte all das gut möglich sein. Im Boutique-Hotel Bergwiesenglück duftet es nämlich außen wie innen, und zwar nicht nur nach frischer Luft! Augen zu und Nase auf:

The partnership between Julian Epok and Christoph Pliessnig reflects the charming uniqueness of Lefkara. While Julian is a creative visionary dedicated to design, Christoph is the architect of strategic plans. From intimate dinner parties to sensational art exhibitions, they not only “curate” art, but also create sensual experiences. The t.a.s.© space in Lefkara is more than a gallery or concept store; it is a vibrant meeting place for culture. The 360-degree concept of t.a.s.© not only includes visual art, but also integrates soundscapes and design, including a specially created fragrance. Here, visitors are touched in a variety of ways and invited into an immersive artistic world.